Fertility Awareness

Rachel Roth Rachel Roth

Fertility Awareness Overview

Fertility Awareness is a modern, evidence-based discipline where a woman can learn to chart and interpret the observable fertility signs her body produces over the course of a menstrual cycle to determine the time in her cycle when she is naturally fertile or not and gather critical health information.

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Rachel Roth Rachel Roth

Empowering Women

"If our goal as a society is to really empower women, we have to start with women's health" - Seeing Red by Kirsten Karchmer

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Rachel Roth Rachel Roth

S.P.I.C.E Up Your Relationship

Developing each area of SPICE builds stronger and more intimate bonds between a couple. You can accept the whole person that is your spouse and not just parts of them. Essentially what you are saying is, “I choose to love and accept all of you, including your fertility. I don’t want you changing or modifying or suppressing such an integral part of what makes you, YOU!”

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