Menstruation vs. Withdrawal Bleeding

Let’s start with a quick anatomy and physiology review so we can be on the same page.   

The lining of the uterus, called the endometrium, thickens over the entire menstrual cycle thanks to naturally occurring hormonal changes (primarily estrogen and progesterone, we will talk about this in more depth during the free Bloom Cycle Care introductory session). This essentially makes the uterus a healthy and welcoming place for a new baby to grow and develop. If conception (the sperm and egg meeting to create a new life) does not occur, then the endometrium sloughs or sheds. This results in a menstrual period marking the beginning of a new hormonal and menstrual cycle. 

When a woman is taking a form of hormonal birth control (the pill, the patch, the vaginal ring, hormonal IUD) the monthly bleeding she experiences isn’t a true menstrual period. It is simply withdrawal bleeding. This is shorter and lighter than a period and as the endometrium has not thickened due to an absence of natural hormonal fluctuations. HBC flatlines any naturally occurring hormonal changes through introduction of artificial hormones. The withdrawal bleed comes from a break or placebo week when artificial hormones are not being taken or administered through HBC. This withdrawal bleed is intended to mimic true menstruation, as this is what women expect. If you are taking HBC you’re not actually experiencing a period. 

HBC suppresses and alters the naturally occurring menstrual cycle that every woman experiences. We take a normal and natural bodily system and disrupt it, often for years at a time. The impact can be enormous. Our bodies are finely tuned machines and any disruption or modification has a domino effect. The regular functioning of a woman’s cycle and the symptoms she may show are so important to understanding her overall health and well being. HBC acts as a “band aid fix” for serious issues such as PMS, endometriosis, PCOS, and more by masking symptoms. It suppresses fertility in a way that can make it much more difficult to achieve and maintain a healthy pregnancy. A woman’s menstrual cycle is considered to be one of her vital signs. Whether children are a part of your future plans or not, your health matters, and a significant part of your health is a healthy and natural menstrual period.

Our bodies are telling us so much if only we learn to listen. Bloom Cycle Care can help you do just that! During the free introductory session, you will learn about basic anatomy and physiology, the function and importance of the naturally occurring hormonal changes over a menstrual cycle, how to track your cycle naturally, and more!


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