Fertility Awareness Overview

Fertility Awareness is a modern, evidence-based discipline where a woman can learn to chart and interpret the observable fertility signs her body produces over the course of a menstrual cycle to determine the time in her cycle when she is naturally fertile or not and gather critical health information

This post is designed to give a basic overview of Fertility Awareness Based Methods or FABM. This can also be referred to as Natural Family Planning or NFP within religious groups. More on that for another time, but NFP is essentially FABM with the addition of discernment or spiritual guidance regarding family planning decisions.

How does it work? 

A woman observes and tracks the evolving signs of her fertility. These signs, also known as biomarkers, include: 

  • basal body temperature (BBT)

  • cervical mucus

  • cervical position

  • hormone levels (estrogen, progesterone and LH)

  • vaginal sensation 

Biomarkers that can be used to evaluate the health of the menstrual cycle include:

  • the length of the menstrual cycle

  • pre-ovulatory and post-ovulatory phases

  • occurence of the peak day (presumed time of ovulation)

  • presence or absence of the mucus cycle

  • intensity of menstrual flow

  • variations of bleeding

With the information obtained by observing and charting certain biomarkers of fertility, a woman is equipped to attain health and family planning goals with high rates of effectiveness using a chosen fertility awareness based method (FABM). 

What are my options? 

There are a number of different fertility awareness methods to choose from. Each method incorporates various biomarkers and methodologies. Here is an overview of the three basic categories: 

  • Mucus-only: Billings, Creighton FertilityCare

  • Sympto-hormonal: Boston Cross Check, FEMM, Marquette

  • Sympto-thermal: Couple to Couple League, NFPTA, Justisse, Sensiplan, SymptoPro, TCOYF

How do I get started? 

FABMs vary in their education and learning process. It is important to begin with a fundamental understanding of one’s anatomy, physiology, and how the female reproductive cycle works. With this foundation, a woman can incorporate the specific instructions of her chosen FABM. It is recommended to work with an instructor in order to learn quickly and to ensure the highest levels of effectiveness.

Bloom Cycle Care offers a no cost, no obligation introductory session to provide a basic understanding of how to chart using the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. 

There are many apps out there that can be interesting and helpful to get started quickly. Be aware, however, that they are not created equal and typically have a lower efficacy. It is always encouraged for you to educate yourself first (or better yet, work with an instructor!) How does this app track your fertility or what method or system does it use? Some stick to a single method while others use a combination of fertility tracking methods. Lastly, what is your goal? Some apps are created to help you achieve pregnancy while others help you avoid pregnancy and still others are designed simply to help you learn more about your body.

Remember that you are not alone

Learning and using a fertility awareness based method can sometimes feel like a real challenge. It isn’t always considered to be “normal” and “easy” when compared to the more mainstream option of using birth control. Fertility awareness is a true lifestyle decision and with that decision comes many choices. You (and your spouse) are not alone. There are many women and couples out there who are dedicated to fertility awareness and believe it is worth the effort for the benefits it provides to a women’s health, understanding of self, relationship, and more.

Bloom Cycle Care - and many others - want to help provide you with information, education, and encouragement. Knowledge is power. Women deserve to understand the full picture in order to make informed decisions.


Frase, E., & Bruno, M. (2021, October 14). What is fertility awareness? let's dive in! FAbM Base. Retrieved October 29, 2021, from https://fabmbase.org/what-is-fertility-awareness/.

Hilgers, T., Daly, D., Hilgers, S., & Prebil, A. (2017). Review of The Creighton Model FertilityCare System Book II: Advanced Teaching Skills. Pope Paul VI Institute Press


Empowering Women